The Hemp Connection [Search results for Greek yogurt]
Food of the week: Greek yogurt (maybe it's not the best yogurt if you have PCOS)
Love Greek yogurt? Save money and make it yourself!
Finally, vitamin D and Greek yogurt in the same food!
Soup in the summer? Anti-oxidant-lutely!
A tasty new way to have your cream soup!
What I Eat--From Dori Zerlin
Vitamin D in Yogurt
Food of the week: Piñalinaza
Don't endorse this guy's diet but his pancake recipe looks pretty decent
Missing the ranch dressing? Now you don't have to!
Does this food raise my blood sugar?
Note from Amber's copilot — Installment #4
Have a fruitilicious summer! Week 7 — Fruit Gazpachos
A nutty find
Dehydrated citrus is a fun alternative to sugar!
eMarket Profile: Ibitta, a small company with a big mission--reduce diabetes in Hispanics
Of course I eat pizza, I'm human!
My ten favorite fast foods — they're not what you think!
More about Amber — why she is not on a diet and why MICROSLEEPING should become part of your vocabulary
Food of the week: Girl Scout Cookies! (Part One)