The Hemp Connection:
From Peru with love: maca, amaranth, aguaymanto, lucuma, and sacha inchi
Be an informed omega-3 consumer…not all foods and supplements are created equal!
Eat for good skin!
The Lure of Supplements
Should You Supplement? Chromium
You ask for it — you get it — information on PCOS-related supplements
PCOS and the Grief Process: Bargaining for Better Health
Reminder: Free Fertility Friendly Food Tour (SM), Whole Foods Venice, Sunday March 29, 3 pm
Sea buckthorn…or…why it is important to read cosmetic labels too!
Fish Oil Demystified
PCOS and the Grief Process: All About Denial
If blueberries are such good brain food, why is there caffeine in this supplement
Additional Thoughts on Grief, and an Introduction to a Mini-Series on PCOS-Related Grief
Dietitans--Can't Do PCOS Without Them!
Finding Inspiration in the Oddest Places: The Airport Couple
To Chromium or Not to Chromium?
The American Heart Association Needs to Check Its Omega-3 Math
What Would You All Think of a Research Institute Devoted to YOU?
What does it mean to have an inflammatory disease?
Understanding how PCOS and grief intertwine