The Hemp Connection:
Unlimited Chakra
Pumpkin Pie and PCOS? Absolutely! Well sort of.: ) A Pumpkin Pie Smoothie!
A PCOS-Friendly Recipe
Chicha morada--a purple corn beverage and antioxidant gift from our Peruvian neighbors
A tasty new way to have your cream soup!
Best of luck--er--healthy choosing--to all of you in 2011!
From the Whole Foods blog
Black Friday Brussels Sprouts
Sometimes it's the emptiest kitchen that produces the greatest creations!
A fun, seasonal, high protein snack with a personality
Food of the week: Avocado
Play with your food! Ivonne and I create a healthy Cuban-Moroccan treat!
Mushrooms and kale — a beautiful, tasty combination
More Caribbean hormone-healthy goodness — Sorrel
Don't endorse this guy's diet but his pancake recipe looks pretty decent
A tasty way to get that vinegar into your diet — watermelon feta salad
Have a fruitilicious summer! Week 7 — Fruit Gazpachos
Have a fruitilicious summer! Week 6 Fruity Arnold Palmers
This cherry salsa will have you doing the anti-inflammator dance!