I'm hearing from some of you that you're having fun learning about new and different foods, so I thought I'd pass along an idea for the more adventurous readers!
My mom was just telling me that she and my dad went to a Peruvian restaurant recently, and they tried a traditional drink called chicha morada. It is made with purple corn and has a much higher resveratrol content than red wine. It's also high in anthocyanin, the powerhouse commonly associated with blueberries. I did some checking, and found that there is research suggesting that purple corn may help to fight insulin resistance (reference below).
I'm posting a link to a video that shows you how to make the drink. Note that it includes cinnamon, another ingredient many of you are already using for insulin resistance.
If you can't find purple corn anywhere near you, you can find it on amazon.com
When you think of your PCOS journey as an adventure, instead of something that limits you, it's amazing how much fun you can have in the kitchen.
Dietary cyanidin 3-O-beta-D-glucoside-rich purple corn color prevents obesity and ameliorates hyperglycemia in mice. J Nutr. 2003 Jul;133(7):2125-30.