I asked our team for some ideas for holiday gifts that promote healthy mind, body, and spirit. If your loved one is asking for ideas, or if you're shopping for someone who is trying to make changes that benefit their health, hope these wonderful inCYSTers provide you with some inspiration!
Julie Dillon, RD, Julie Dillon Consulting, Greensboro, NC

--cooking classes/lessons --magic wand (I purchased a cheap one and my clients and I often laugh about it yet it also stimulates great discussions)
--yoga gift certificate
--pretty journal (there are some amazing leather bound ones that make great gifts)
--comedy club tickets because laughing brings the blood sugar down and it's great stress relief;-)

Hana Feeney, MS, RD, CSSD, Nourishing Results, Tucson, AZ
Healthy cooking magazine subscriptions, such as Eating Well
A food scale, I like the ones with nutrition information for those who are into numbers
Portion plates
Spice and herb blends
Specialty teas
Acupuncture treatments
A CSA share
A community garden plot
Gift cards to running, cycling or other fitness related stores
Gift cards to natural grocery stores
Pedometers, I’m checking a new one out that has multiple features called Striiv
Healthy cookbooks

Karen Siegel, MS, RD, LAc, Nutrition and Acupuncture Clinic, Houston, TX
I just had a patient tell me she wanted to give her mother a gift certificate for acupuncture as a stocking stuffer.
I told her I have gift certificates, but to also consider an acupuncture face lift. Many acupuncturists (myself included) do facial rejuvenation treatments.

Danielle Omar, MS, RD, Food Confidence, Fairfax, VA
My Busy Woman's Guide to Stress Free Grocery Shopping is a great gift! It's on sale this month, too!: -)

Sarah Jones, RYT I offer discounted private yoga lessons.

Meri Raffetto, RD, Real Living Nutrition, Temecula, CA My recently released book, The Mediterranean Diet Cookbook for Dummies, is available at amazon.com

Susan Van Dyke, MD, Van Dyke Laser and Skin, Paradise Valley, AZ
Give the gift of:
Freedom from age spots and lines with Fraxel Dual (Susan Van Dyke, MD)
Self esteem
Beautiful skin with Vivite Skin Care (Heather Anderson, RN)
Smooth legs without shaving with LightSheer Duet (Tina Villalobos, MA, Back Office Coordinator)
Facial volume in the right places with Sculptra Aesthetic (Sherry Rodgers, Office Manager)
Fuller, seamless skin with TNS Recovery: the collagen stimulator (Cameron Vessey, Aesth and Laser Tech)
Gorgeous Glow with Clear + Brilliant (Traci Lee, Front Office Coordinator)
Relaxed frown muscles with Botox or Dysport (Jessica McCarthy, MA)
A VDLS seminar (and it is free!) (DeAnne Dunn, Aesth and Laser Tech)
VDLS gift certificates for everyone’s favorite products and procedures (Diane Davies, Front Office)
The entire Van Dyke Laser & Skin team wishes you a glorious holiday season!!!

Monika Woolsey, MS, RD Incyst, Phoenix, AZ and Santa Monica, CA
As for me? I second all and I hope my gift buyers are reading this! One suggestion I do have for Phoenix readers, is a gift certificate to Chow Locally. It's a twist on the farmer's market concept, you can create your grocery box online and pick it up at one of three metro locations. For anyone who loves the farmer's market but whose weekends are filled with other"to-do's", it's a great option.
Many thanks to all of our readers, network members, and fans for making this such a hugely successful year for inCYST! We are so looking forward to even bigger and better things in 2012.