One of my goals in the near future is to pay more attention to skin problems associated with PCOS. They are many, and we have a great resource in our network, Dr. Susan Van Dyke. If you have any skin questions at all, please post them here and I'll forward them to her for answers to post.
The most widely recognized PCOS-related skin problems are acne, hirsutism, and melasmas. However, I've worked with quite a few women also struggling with problems like eczema and psoriasis, both related to diet, in particular, omega-3 fatty acid balance.
This past week I had a new client who wanted help for her eczema. I brought her samples of an Australian homeopathic remedy from the Expo, and she absolutely loves one of them. She shared that this product reduces the itching almost immediately, something the prescription creams she'd tried were not able to do. She also felt the redness started to go away quickly as well.
That's a pretty great testimonial!
I shared the product information with Dr. Van Dyke and she noticed that one of the ingredients in this product listed as"inactive", in Western (non-homeopathic) medicine, gamma-linolenic acid (aka borage oil) has been shown to help eczema. She suggested that it wasn't as"inactive" as the company realized!
Apparently some people with eczema do not convert omega-6 fatty acids well to the gamma-linolenic by-product that the skin needs. So the omega-6's build up and never get into the form that the skin needs.
My client is increasing the omega-3 content of her diet, reducing the omega-6 content, and using the cream…and if that doesn't correct the imbalance, we'll consider supplementing with GLA. We'll keep you posted!
The product I'm referring to is called Natralia. I did not see it in my local Sprouts store, and I did not see a store locator on their website. But I did find it on amazon.com. Here is the link to all of the Natralia products. (The products I'm sharing from the Expo are so new many of them can only be found online for now. Be sure to ask for them at your favorite store so they are more convenient to buy locally.)
Henz BM, Jablonska S, van de Kerkhof PC, Stingl G, Blaszczyk M, Vandervalk PG, Veenhuizen R, Muggli R, Raederstorff D. Double-blind, multicentre analysis of the efficacy of borage oil in patients with atopic eczema. Br J Dermatol. 1999 Apr;140(4):685-8.