The Hemp Connection [Search results for webinars

  • PCOS Expert Seminar Series

    PCOS Expert Seminar Series

    Hello everyone,

    If you've been enjoying the PCOS Challenge Radio Show, you'll love Sasha's latest venture! Dr. Van Dyke, Ellen Goldfarb, Gretchen Kubacky, and myself will be presenting more in-depth seminars on our areas of specialty.

    Topics to be covered include:

    Nutrition Essentials for PCOS--Monika M. Woolsey, MS, RD
    Tuesday, October 20

    Eating Disorders and PCOS--Ellen Reiss Goldfarb, RD
    Tuesday, October 27

    Living Happier and Healthier with PCOS--Gretchen Kubacky, PsyD
    Tuesday, November 3

    Hair Removal Solutions for Women With PCOS--Susan Van Dyke, MD
    Tuesday, November 10

    The Natural Solution to Overcoming PCOS--Julie Walsh, ND
    Tuesday, November 17

    All webinars will be held from 8:00 — 9:00 Eastern Time.

    Space is limited for the live sessions, but if you can't make any of the live sessions, they will all be recorded and made available on CD.

    Please join us! We've all been working hard on this project and it's all been especially for YOU!

  • Coming soon to your computer! Webinar: Nutrition vs. bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

    Coming soon to your computer! Webinar: Nutrition vs. bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

    If you've been intrigued by the concept of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, and you'd like to learn more, please consider attending our upcoming webinar on the topic.

    We'll be defining and understanding the treatment, and comparing/constrasting the potential benefits that a structured nutritional program has to offer.

    The live webinar will be broadcast on Tuesday, February 23, 2010, at 6 pm Eastern Time. If you cannot make the live broadcast, you may purchase the recording.

    Both live and recorded webinars cost $35.

    Click here for registration information.

    Hope you can make it!

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