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  • Our inCYST experiences with culinary cactus (nopal)

    Our inCYST experiences with culinary cactus (nopal)

    We've been doing some business with companies working with nopales (prickly pear cactus pads). I'd seen a lot of research suggesting that nopales are good for quite a few health issues, particularly blood glucose.

    We started selling Ibitta's products a couple of months ago and I was amazed at where the orders were coming from — Memphis, Philadelphia, not simply Arizona and California like I'd expected! I finally called one customer to see why she'd ordered it. Apparently her mother had been bugging her to try it as it is a popular Mexican supplement for weight loss. When her mother finally gave her a bag, she felt it couldn't hurt to try it. She noticed that when she stirred a couple of spoonfuls of Pinalinaza into a glass of water and drank it before a meal, it helped her appetite. And over a couple of months she lost 20 pounds.

    Another woman with PCOS, in military basic training, wrote:

    I just wanted to give you an update. Although I knew that Nopales was used…in my Hispanic heritage, I didn't know that it would help me out with my sugar so much!! I ordered the products that you hosted on this site (Pinalinaz … a, etc…) and can't wait to start them! In the mean time, I am eating nopales I bought from the local store. For one week, I've eaten them in the morning every other day. I lost 3 pounds and during that week I was only able to walk for exercise as the week was too busy. I have kept track of my sugar and the nopales has regulated it so much so that now I am falling into a Hypoglycemic instead of Diabetic. I am determining how I can balance it, however this is an awesome break through for me. I was doing the military basic training for two months and only lost 5 lbs because of PCOS. Now that I incorporated nopales, the stubborn sugar is being removed!! I can't wait for shipment!! This is a big breakthrough for me, it is extremely hard for me to digest the sugar and the nopales are doing something right!!

    Last Friday, I gave a presentation on PCOS at the local Indian Health Service Hospital here in Phoenix. One of my clients made a big batch of nopales salad for everyone to try. It was lunchtime about an hour and a half later, and several people noted that they weren't really very hungry.

    There is research to support these testimonials. A 2007 study reported that 85 g nopales with a meal reduced the glycemic index of the meal. Way back in 1991, researchers reported that nopal had a glucose-lowering effect.

    For the non-native eater, the prospect of de-stickering a cactus pad, not to mention what to do with the cactus once that's done, likely keeps many people from trying it. In Phoenix, we have a company, Oro Verde Products, that sells ready-to-prepare cactus pads as well as chopped nopales ready to add to your recipe. It's popular in salads, stews, and scrambled eggs. I've even heard of some people juicing it if they have a powerful blender. Check Oro Verde's website for information and recipes.

    Ibitta's products are nice because they're powdered and mixed with flax. I've used them on my oatmeal, in smoothies, in vinaigrettes, and breadings. I even made a vanilla cheesecake with the hibiscus (Jamaica) flavored variety in the crust. They're very versatile and more user-friendly in the typical American kitchen.

    These we do carry in the store, if you're interested in ordering.

    If you live in Los Angeles, look for Nopatillas, a tortilla made with nopal. This would be super easy to include in breakfast burritos, lunch wraps, etc.

    Wherever you are, however you eat it, be sure to try nopales. They could be a great way to help control your blood glucose.

    Bacardi-Gascon M, Dueñas-Mena D, Jimenez-Cruz A. Lowering effect on postprandial glycemic response of nopales added to Mexican breakfasts. Diabetes Care.2007 May;30(5):1264-5. Epub 2007 Feb 26.

    Frati AC, Gordillo BE, Altamirano P, Ariza CR, Cortés-Franco R, Chávez-Negrete A, Islas-Andrade S. Influence of nopal intake upon fasting glycemia in type II diabetics and healthy subjects. Arch Invest Med (Mex). 1991 Jan-Mar;22(1):51-6.

  • Vegan? Here's a bucket list to keep you inspired!

    Vegan? Here's a bucket list to keep you inspired!

    One of my litmus tests for how healthy a vegan's diet truly is, is to listen to how they describe what they eat. If they focus on telling me what they DON'T eat, and have a limited list of what they DO eat, I start to consider that what we're describing is an eating disorder, not a vegan eater.

    Here's a challenge to encourage you to be more vegan and less disordered. It comes from the blog, and it's a list of 100 vegan foods. I've been instructed to italicize foods I'd never try, and bold face foods I have eaten. And to encourage you to share the challenge on your own blogs.

    I'm a pretty adventurous eater so there are no italics. I did better than I thought I would, actually, since I am not 100% vegan myself. I now have some great items to add to my own list!

    Have fun!
    1. Molasses

    2. Cactus/Nopales
    3. Scrambled Tofu
    4. Grilled Portobella Caps
    5. Fresh Ground Horseradish
    6. Sweet Potato Biscuits
    7. Arepa
    8. Vegan Cole Slaw
    9. Ginger Carrot Soup
    10. Fiddlehead Ferns
    11. Roasted Elephant Garlic
    12. Umeboshi
    13. Almond Butter Toast
    14. Aloe Vera
    15. H and H Bagel NYC
    16. Slow Roasted Butternut Squash
    17. White truffle
    18. Fruit wine made from something other than grapes
    19. Freshly ground wasabi
    20. Coconut Milk Ice Cream (not store bought)
    21. Heirloom tomatoes
    22. Orchard-fresh pressed apple cider
    23. Organic California Mango (in season Sept-Oct only)
    24. Quinoa
    25. Papaya Smoothie
    26. Raw Scotch Bonnet (habanero) pepper (just a bite!…hot!
    27. Goji Berry Tea
    28. Fennel
    29. Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie
    30. Radishes and Vegan Buttery Spread
    31. Starfruit
    32. Oven fresh Sourdough bread
    33. Sangria made with premium fruit and juices
    34. Sauerkraut
    35. Acai Smoothie
    36. Blue Foot Mushrooms
    37. Vegan Cupcake from Babycakes nyc
    38. Sweet Potatoes and Tempeh combo
    39. Falafel
    40. Spelt Crust Pizza
    41. Salt and Pepper Oyster Mushrooms
    42. Jicama Slaw
    43. Pumpkin Edamame Ginger Dumplings
    44. Hemp Milk
    45. Rose Champagne
    46. Fuyu
    47. Raw Avocado-Coconut Soup
    48. Tofu Pesto Sandwich
    49. Apple-Lemon-Ginger-Cayenne fresh-pressed juice…with Extra Ginger
    50. Grilled Seitan
    51. Prickly pear
    52. Fresh Pressed Almond Milk
    53. Concord Grapes off the vine
    54. Ramps
    55. Coconut Water fresh from a young coconut
    56. Organic Arugula
    57. Vidalia Onion
    58. Sampler of organic produce from Diamond Organics
    59. Honeycrisp Apple
    60. Poi
    61. Vegan Campfire-toasted Smores
    62. Grape seed Oil
    63. Farm fresh-picked Peach
    64. Freshly-made pita bread with freshly-made hummus
    65. Chestnut Snack Packs
    66. Fresh Guava
    67. Mint Chocolate Chip Oatmeal Cookies
    68. Raw Mallomar from One Lucky Duck, NYC
    69. Fried plantains
    70. Mache
    71. Golden Beets
    72. Barrel-Fresh Pickles
    73. Liquid Smoke
    74. Meyer Lemon
    75. Veggie Paella
    76. Vegan Lasagna (raw optional)
    77. Kombucha
    78. Homemade Soy Milk
    79. Lapsang souchong
    80. Lychee Bellini
    81. Tempeh Bacon
    82. Sprouted Grain Bread
    83. Lemon Pepper Tempeh
    84. Vanilla Bean
    85. Watercress
    86. Carrot you pulled out of the ground yourself
    87. Vegan In-Season Fruit Pie
    88. Flowers
    89. Corn Chowder
    90. High Quality Vegan Raw Chocolate
    91. Yellow fuzz-free Kiwi
    92. White Flesh Grapefruit
    93. harissa
    94. Coconut Oil
    95. Jackfruit
    96. Homemade Risotto
    97. Spirulina
    98. Seedless 'Pixie' Tangerine
    99. Gourmet Sorbet, not store bought
    100. Fresh Plucked English Peas

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