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  • Book review: The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living

    Book review: The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living

    I was just provided a copy of The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living by Jeff S. Volek, PhD, RD, and Stephen D. Phinney, MD, PhD. Knowing how many of you are leaning toward low carb eating in an attempt to pull your hormones back into balance, I figured this would be an important book to review.

    Two very important issues to consider that may preclude your even needing to read the entire review.

    1. This book advocates for ketosis. While there may be times in your life where ketosis might be something to consider pursuing (which I will cover in tomorrow's post), it has not been reported that a ketotic state in a mother is safe for the baby she is pregnant with. Therefore, if you are trying to conceive, or are pregnant, or are not trying to conceive but might become pregnant, I do NOT, repeat, do NOT, advocate that you follow this diet. The word pregnant did not appear even once in this book and I do not believe this was a consideration of the two male authors who wrote it. Reader beware.

    2. I used two of the menu plans in the back of the book for diet analyses. I came pretty close to the total calorie, as well as protein/carbohydrate/fat breakdowns they listed. Both days I analzyed came up short. Day One was deficient in fiber, vitamin D, and iron.

    Day Two was deficient in pantothenic acid, iron, calcium, vitamin D, and vitamin C.

    I think the basic premise of the book, that fewer refined foods are better, is something most people would agree with. I actually think that be it vegan, raw, paleo, or low carb, advocates of each of these ways of eating are trying to say that less processing is better. They then frame it in a way of eating that makes the choices easier. In each case, however, when taken to extremes, the diets become unbalanced and potentially deficient.

    The whole time I was reading this book, the words of my grad school statistics professor were on my mind. He used to always say,"If you torture the statistics long enough, they will confess whatever you want them to."

    These scientists were able to prove that an extreme diet accomplished a counterintuitive effect. I won't deny that. However, I had the sense in reading the book they were so singluarly focused on proving that point, they forgot about the big picture, namely balanced nutrition. I'm on board with much of what the book says. But you can't throw out all vitamin, mineral, and pregnancy recommendations just because you proved one singluar point.

    inCYST nutrition is very high liability nutrition. We are not just making recommendations for Momma. Baby (and in many cases, especially those of you undergoing IVF, multiple babies) is at the mercy of what we say as well. In this case, I felt very uneasy with what I read. If the authors were willing to take the time to do research on pregnant women, I'd be willing to listen to what they have to say. In the meantime, it feels like at the very least they should have provided a disclaimer for this population to protect themselves.

    Because that was neglected in the spirit of demonstrating that bacon, meat, and ice cream are ok to eat, for inCYSTers, this book does NOT get a recommendation.

  • If you're NOT pregnant or trying to conceive, consider lowering your carbohydrates for an interesting reason

    If you're NOT pregnant or trying to conceive, consider lowering your carbohydrates for an interesting reason

    Yesterday I reviewed a book entitled,"The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living". I started with the negative part of the review because years of reviewing blog statistics has taught me that people don't stick through much of what I write to get the main idea. Because avoiding ketosis is such a crucial concept I felt like that point needed to be made before getting to something I really liked about the book.

    What this book discussed that I did like, was the concept that human brains, even though we're taught that they depend on glucose, can learn to live on ketones for energy. I immediately thought of the many of you who comment here and elsewhere that you feel as though you're addicted to carbohydrates. It's certainly going to feel that way if your brain has become so used to using glucose as its only fuel source that when it's not there it feels as if it's run on empty.

    I tend to think of an addiction as a chemical reliance on a nonessential substance. A dependence is a reliance on something we need. We're not addicted to oxygen, for example, we're dependent on it. So I prefer to think of the relationship many of you have to simple sugar as a dependence, not an addiction. You can teach your brain to use low-glycemic carbohydrates and protein as sources of low-glycemic sugar, and you can even learn to use ketones.

    If you've tried to jump from a simple carbohydrate-dependent diet to a carbohydrate-deficient diet overnight, chances are it felt like you were going through withdrawal. It is possible to gradually learn to use ketones over time, but if your experience in getting there is so miserable, you're likely to not stick with it. There are a lot of options between all and nothing.

    As I mentioned yesterday, the extreme carbohydrate restriction described in this book proved a point, but in the process it also created some other potential nutrition deficiencies.

    Instead of jumping to that extreme, why not try gradually removing the simple carbohydrate from your life and replacing it with protein and low-glycemic carbs? It will help the carbohydrate you DO eat distribute itself more evenly over the course of a day (just like your carburetor does for your car), and you might potentially (and gently) teach your brain to be less dependent on one source of fuel, pure sugar.

    Be scientific about it. Use an analysis program such as to track what you're doing and plan how to experiment with other ways. Record how you feel. Feel what feels best. You'll know when you've hit that place because that next drop in carbs will leave you feeling hungry, moody, and low in energy.

    Let us know what you learn about yourself! Everyone is different, and therefore everyone's carbohydrate needs are different. The concept underlying the book is not unsound, it's just likely not necessary for everyone to restrict carbohydrates to that extreme.

    The beauty of nutrition is that there are many paths to the same destination. Be it raw, vegan, Paleo, low-carb, low-glycemic, we prefer to show you how, once you've decided which food philosophy best fits your personality, to make it work on your behalf.