The Hemp Connection [Search results for d-chiro-inositol]
A word about d-chiro-inositol
Head to head, myoinositol may outperform d-chiro-inositol in PCOS infertility
PCOS Challenge: d-chiro-inositol, May 20, 6 pm EDT
Insulin sensitizers, d-chiro-inositol, and fertility
While supplements may take you places, better choices may take you to the more successful ones
d-Chiro-inositol levels may be reflective of your own dietary imbalances
More about myoinositol
You ask for it — you get it — information on PCOS-related supplements
How do I know if I need a supplement?
Food of the week: buckwheat
The Lure of Supplements
Webinar for Professionals working with PCOS: PCOS Nutrition Update
Got PCOS and infertile? Watch out metformin, myoinositol is gaining notice!