Do you live near Nashua, New Hampshire? Three dietitians specializing in PCOS will be coming together in support of a new PCOS program starting up at Nashua Medical Group. Stay tuned for the date! Or leave your email address for us to send you the official announcement.

Patricia Hunter, MA, RD, LDN, outpatient dietitian at Nashua Medical Group, has been completing the inCYST PCOS training and simultaneously working to develop a recognized outpatient treatment program for women with PCOS. Don't you love her logo? She's recognized a need for qualified, passionate care for a very long time and is excited to have the support of her clinic to be the expert in her area with regard to nutrition treatment for PCOS.
Pat's vision is to provide a solid support group and network for women in her area who are motivated to make lifestyle changes that can help control PCOS symptoms.
You'll be able to meet Pat personally and learn more about what plans she has for her PCOS programs.
You've seen Hillary Wright, MA, RD's name on our blog before, as she recently released a great book about PCOS, the PCOS Diet Plan.
Hillary will be coming up to Nashua from the Boston area, where she works with the Boston IVF group. She is a foremost authority on PCOS, and her book is getting great reviews from professionals as well as the women she writes for…YOU! If you register at least 2 weeks before the event, you'll have an opportunity to order a book, and Hillary will be doing a book signing while she's there.

I'll be there too, to support both Pat and Hillary and share a little bit about the inCYST Network.
It's always been my vision to create a network of highly qualified professionals that women with PCOS can feel confident about reaching out to for answers, idea, and support that really works. So to have the opportunity to work with two of the finest, for a whole day, on behalf of our readers and fans, is something I am very much looking forward to.
We are still working on finalizing the exact location details, and I will post them as soon as they are available.
This is your opportunity to get your PCOS questions answered, meet professionals who are excited to be at your service, and gain a foundation that sets you up for success. Please join us, the day won't be complete without you!