If you allow it to happen, holiday festivities can leave you feeling left out of the fun. It doesn't have to be that way if you think creatively. Here are some fun, PCOS-friendly ways to include food in your holidays.
Now go make Martha proud!!!
1. A high percentage of my clients love to decorate cakes. If it's the decorating part you love…why not make salt dough Christmas ornaments?

2. Make cranberry/popcorn garlands for your tree.

3. Make orange clove pomander balls for gifts and ornaments.

4. Donate food to or volunteer your time at a food bank or homeless shelter. It is a powerful way to gain perspective on food and your own relationship with it.

5. Decorate your home with rosemary garlands for a fresh, clean holiday aroma.

6. Make olive-oil based vinaigrette dressings placed in pretty bottles for holiday gifts.

7. Decorate your holiday table with cranberry ice candles.

8. Hang a nut/seed wreath in your backyard for the birds you enjoy watching.

9. Decorate your front door with chili pepper wreath.

10. Invest in a decorative nutcracker and set it near a pretty bowl of mixed nuts.