If you watch the Today Show, or any morning show, for that matter, the name Lisa Drayer may sound familiar. Lisa is a popular dietitian who often does spots on various health topics. She is also the nutrition and weight loss expert for Women's Health Magazine. Lisa has a great way of getting to the point without getting bogged down in nutribabble. And, after all, it's not how many antioxidant names she knows that matters to YOU, it's how easy her information is for you to act on!
I've known Lisa for quite a few years, and a few years ago she interviewed me for an article on natural treatment options for PCOS. I really enjoyed working with her on this project, and very much appreciated her attention to detail and getting it right for women who needed the information.
Lisa has just released a book called The Beauty Diet that may be worth a look-see. Her plan isn't drastic, about 1500 calories a day, which is what most of my own clients need to follow, and her list of favorite foods includes many of the foods you see in our weekly Food of the Week feature here at inCYST.
I'm often asked which nutrition book is the best. Truth is, there are a lot of good ones. I like to point you to ones written by people I know and respect, and encourage you to have a few in your library. Everyone has a different way of explaining things, and it can help to consider a few perspectives while learning about nutrition.
Thanks for the hard work, Lisa! Best wishes with your book.
Monika and the inCYST Team