If you’re a new reader of this blog, or you’ve got a new diagnosis, you are probably starting to realize that there are some changes you need to make if you’re going to be healthy while living with PCOS. Or perhaps you already knew that, or have had the diagnosis for a while, but you’ve been lurking here, just thinking about the idea of change, and not actually committing to change. That’s even an earlier stage in making change that is called pre-contemplation, where you haven’t begun to think about change (but typically, someone else, like your therapist, knows you need to change).
Change conjures up all sorts of feelings. For some, there’s a feeling of excitement and hopefulness. For others, there is sadness about leaving behind a lifestyle, a set of choices, some favorite foods, or a particular relationship or way of functioning. There may be fear about facing the unknown, lacking the knowledge to proceed in a healthy or effective way, or about how your life will rearrange as a result of the conscious changes that you’re making.
When it comes to the areas of exercise and dietary management, all of these issues and more may arise. If your situation is further complicated by depression, anxiety, or an eating disorder, it’s even more complicated. Depression may leave you lethargic and unmotivated; with your brain craving a rebalancing of serotonin, you may be consuming excess carbohydrates to try to fix the balance. Anxiety can escalate to such a place that any idea of change leads to fear and freezing; there seems to be safety in staying in one place, even if it’s an uncomfortable place. And of course, if you’ve got a history of eating disordered behavior, and it’s “working” for you, to keep your weight contained, then the trepidation factor may be enormous.
Here are some things about change that it may be helpful to think about, whether you’re in pre-contemplation, contemplation, or the actual process of creating the change:
• It’s your body, and your decisions. You own them; no one else does.
• You can change your mind at any time. If you’ve started down a certain path, and you really hate it, or it doesn’t appear to be producing results, it’s generally not a lifetime commitment (exceptions come to mind, like having a hysterectomy, or getting a tattoo).
• Medical, dietary, and psychological theory is continuously evolving, and you should be re-evaluating on an ongoing basis anyway.
• There’s no shame in trying. The shame comes from not loving yourself enough to never start trying.
• It really does take practice to produce change. Do some research on how to create that continuity. You may need to schedule exercise into your calendar at a certain time every day (when I was diagnosed with early onset Type II diabetes in 1998, I wasn’t exercising much at all, and I would literally schedule myself to walk for TEN MINUTES a day; every other week, I added five minutes to that time, until I reached 75 minutes a day, and had lost 72 pounds), join a group that meditates (they’ll teach and support you, and keep you accountable), or keep a food log (more accountability!) in order to adhere to whatever program of positive change you’ve devised for yourself.
• There are many people who will support you in creating the change you desire, and a number of them are found right here, at the inCYST community. Seek their help. You’ll be surprised how much support you can find online.
• If you’re trapped in a paralyzing fear, or find yourself repeating negative patterns, or quitting quickly time after time, there may be a deeper psychological issue at play. It’s worth a consultation with a health psychologist or other therapist to assess your behavioral patterns and choice-making skills.
Gretchen Kubacky, Psy.D. is a Health Psychologist in private practice in West Los Angeles, California. She specializes in counseling women and couples who are coping with infertility, PCOS, and related endocrine disorders and chronic illnesses.
If you would like to learn more about Dr. HOUSE or her practice, or obtain referrals in the Los Angeles area, please visit her website at www.drhousemd.com, or e-mail her at Gretchen@drhousemd.com. You can also follow her on Twitter @askdrhousemd.