I recently read a blog entry about omega-3 fatty acids, in which it suggested that adequate DHA could be obtained from spirulina and chlorella, two supplements
found in most health food stores. I was surprised to read this, as I'd never run across any information in all the DHA research I've read to suggest that these were appropriate sources.
Total DHA content of pure algae, by percentage total fat, is as follows:
Life’s DHA™ from Schizochytrium – 37%
Life’s DHA™ from Cryptocodidium cohnii — 40.0%
Isochrisis galbana 17.16%
Chlorella vulgaris 13.32%
Spirulina platensis 7.53%
As far as total DHA content, it is clear that the Schizochytrium and Cryptocodidium cohnii provide more bang for the buck; the total volume needed of the former is far less than isochrisis, chlorella, and spirulina. Whichever supplement used, the total amount of DHA consumed is important.
Another benefit to using schizochytrium and cryptocodinium is that Martek has FDA approval to sell their DHA to companies who then incorporate it into foods.
By making a few simple changes in your grocery list, you can increase your DHA intake without having to use a supplement. If you want a supplement, those are available as well. A list of available foods and supplements can be found at this link.
Thanks to colleague Connye Kuratko, Ph.D., R.D. of Martek Biosciences, for being able to find a study (referenced below) that helped clarify this issue. Martek's Life's DHA marine algae supplement, found both in capsules and in foods, contains Schizochytrium or Cryptocodinium cohnii.
Ö. TOKUS¸OGLU AND M.K. ÜNAL Biomass Nutrient Profiles of Three Microalgae: Spirulina platensis, Chlorella vulgaris, and Isochrisis galbana. Journal of Food Science 68:4, 2003, 1144-1148.
Senanayake SPJN and Fichtali J. Single Cell Oils as Sources of Nutraceutical Specialty Lipids: Processing Technologies and Applications. in Shahidi F Nutraceutical and Specialty Lipids and Their Co-products. CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, page 268.