The Hemp Connection + women's health

Are omega-6 fatty acids pro-inflammatory?

I have heard from friends who were at the recent American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference and Exposition in Boston, that a panel of four experts on fats, asserted that omega-6 fatty acids are not pro-inflammatory. This is in contradiction to what you will see on this blog and what we teach, so I wanted to address it.

My primary source of information regarding fats is the International Association for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids (ISSFAL). This organization is not sponsored by any commodities organizations with anything to gain or lose from the outcome of good, hard, science.

The American Dietetic Association, on the other hand, is heavily sponsored by commodities and food manufacturers. I actually went to a meeting sponsored by one of their special practice groups a few years ago, the major sponsor of which was Frito-Lay. Over the weekend, Twitter was a-flutter with dietitians aglow from the SWAG they were filling their suitcases with. So much so, that at one point I tweeted back, that for that meeting,"stuff we all get" should be called"food we all get".

This is an association that has backed itself into a huge corner with regards to the money it receives in order to pay its bills. Look hard, and you will find Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Hershey's…for starters. (Actually you don't have to look hard at all…they seem to be proud of these associations.) So you have to understand that if you attend their conferences, you're most likely to get information that is nice, and promotes the sale of the trade show floor of products simultaneously being exhibited in hopes of gaining"official" endorsement. ADA is not going to hurt its sponsors.

Look outside of the ADA and this is what you will see. The relationship between omega-6 fatty acid intake and inflammation is so strong, that Wake Forest University and Harvard University have teamed up to open up a Center for Botanical Lipids and Inflammatory Disease Prevention. Would they do that if they believed they'd be sending renowned scientists on a wild goose chase? I don't think so.

I have posted their mission statement, right off of their website, below.

I ask you to consider, why it is, that there is an international association devoted to research about omega-6's, omega-3's, and inflammation, and a center devoted to the study of these fats, both committed to studying fat, that says that omega-6's are inflammatory, while dietitians are hearing at their meeting that this isn't so? Apparently a little bit of FWAG buys you a whole lot of loyalty.

It doesn't seem to matter what the scientists are saying as long as product gets pushed on the front lines.

Research indicates poor diets, including high concentrations of saturated and omega-6 (ω6) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) but lacking omega-3 (ω3) PUFAs, can initiate and exacerbate underlying inflammation associated with cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke), metabolic syndrome, diabetes and asthma. Overwhelming evidence demonstrates that ω3 PUFAs naturally found in fatty fish and fish oil reduce cardiovascular diseases; however, US consumption of fish oils is low due to the taste, smell, and fear of contaminants. This proposal postulates that botanical-based oil supplements offer a potential solution to several of these challenging problems. The Wake Forest Center for Botanical Lipids and Inflammatory Disease Prevention brings together investigators from four internationally-recognized lipid groups and a world-renowned human genomics center to examine the cellular and molecular mechanisms and clinical potential of botanical fatty acids currently available as dietary supplements with a focus on enhancing wellness and preventing disease. Center projects will examine the health effects of adding medium chain botanical fatty acids that bypass the rate limiting Δ6-desaturase step of PUFA biosynthesis in humans. A central hypothesis of this proposal is that this approach markedly enhances conversion of botanical PUFAs to long chain beneficial PUFAs. Projects 1 and 3 examine the mechanisms behind the pleiotropic effects of botanical PUFAs with regard to macrophage/monocyte activation, inflammatory states and eicosanoid generation related to atherosclerosis and asthmatic inflammation, respectively. Project 2 examines differences in PUFA biosynthesis between African Americans and age- and sex- matched Caucasians within both healthy and metabolic syndrome populations to better understand who may be most responsive to fatty acid-based botanical supplements. These interactive and synergistic studies have a strong, contemporary and translational scientific basis and should allow this team of scientist to identify additional targets of prevention and therapy, and permit further refinement of dietary supplementation to maximize its effects on human wellness.

Numerous lines of scientific evidence indicate that poor diets including the ingestion of unhealthy concentrations and ratios of short, medium and long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have played a key role in the initiation and exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases including cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke), metabolic syndrome, diabetes and asthma over the past 40 years. The central objective of The Wake Forest Center for Botanical Lipids and Inflammatory Disease Prevention is to test several key hypotheses thatwill fill significant knowledge gaps regarding how fatty acid-based botanical supplements or supplement combinations work to prevent human disease. This information can then be employed to determine the best use and refinement of supplements to maximize their effectiveness for human wellness.

Blog, cardio, diet, fish oil, food, healthy lifestyle, inflammation, nutrition, omega-6, supplements, and more:

Are omega-6 fatty acids pro-inflammatory? + women's health