For those of you who are not in our Facebook fan group, I recently posted a copy of an essay I wrote at the request of Lucine Biotechnology. It explains a little bit more about this blog, the research institute, and me. I received a lot of feedback from even close friends about how little they knew about why I do what I do. I guess I live and breathe it so much I forget that others are not in my head to know it. Here it is if you're interested. I hope it makes this link you clicked today a little more warm and fuzzy and three-dimensional and not simply flat words on a screen.
A side note, the photo accompanying this essay is a snapshot taken in Los Angeles while filming our segment with Amber and Craig, which we will post as soon as we have it!
On that note, the women of Power Up for PCOS asked if they could interview me, so we're turning the tables on the radio show next Wednesday. They're in control of the studio, and they're in control of the questions and discussion! If you have a question you'd like to submit that we can answer during that segment, please submit it to info@powerupforpcos.com.
Here is information about how to tune in. If you can't make the live session, it will be available at the listed link to listen to at your convenience.