The Hemp Connection + women

Food, Family, and Community, Chef Justin Beckett shares his thoughts

Sometimes, in the process of trying to figure out how to eat to regain fertility, some of the subtler, but important, aspects of food, fall by the wayside. I had the opportunity to chat with a local chef recently about some of his ideas for how to regain that, and he graciously agreed to come on the radio show with his message.

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Chef Justin Beckett has a wonderful restaurant in Phoenix, the design of which completely accounted for his observation that people needed more opportunities to come together and build relationships over food. Here he chats about how he incorporates these principles into his family's kitchen as well as his restaurant. If you like the interview, here are a couple of other of his presentations he has recently delivered in Phoenix.

And of course, if you like all of this, you'll definitely have to try out his restaurant. It has definitely been a great addition to my neighborhood!

Blog, family, food, health, relationships, and more:

Food, Family, and Community, Chef Justin Beckett shares his thoughts + women