…and I'm guessing it is, since our own research has shown that most women with PCOS simply do not get enough sleep…
…consider joining us in Los Angeles this July to learn more about how to change that.
Poor sleep can worsen insulin resistance, trigger carbohydrate cravings, promote weight gain, and, well…just make you crabby.
I've been working on a project with colleague Nancy Carballo, that is designed to give you some ideas for how to improve your sleep, hopefully eliminating the need for that godawful and totally unromantic CPAP machine that's all the rage in some circles. We decided to make it fun and interactive, because, well, when you're sleep-deprived, why the heck would you come out on a beautiful Saturday to fall asleep during a bunch of dry medical lectures?
We have a Facebook group if you'd like to learn more and be updated on our event details; you can find us at"Insomniacfest".
Please consider joining us! After all, there's no point losing sleep over your PCOS, your weight, your infertility…or your insomnia.