I am overwhelmed, humbled, and entirely grateful today. I received an email from the publishers of the classic PCOS textbook,"PCOS: The Hidden Epidemic". Our good friend Amy Demma told them about us.
Seems Dr. Thatcher's highly respected book is out of print, and by contract they cannot sell them. So they were looking for a place to donate them. I've agreed to accept the donation, and to use proceeds from sales of these books to support the new PCOS research institute.
If you'd like to order a book, here is the link to do so.

Dr. Thatcher died before I ever had an opportunity to meet him, but I always respected him for his passionate advocacy for women with PCOS, long before anyone else was interested in the syndrome. It is an honor to be able to share his work on behalf of encouraging the passion in others. It feels like a perfect first fundraiser to be doing. If we can accomplish but a fraction of what he did on his own, we'll have done a lot!
Thanks to Perspectives Press, Inc., Amy Demma, and of course, Dr. Thatcher.