Heard from an inCYST fan yesterday, and I thought her words might be inspiring to other fans. Of course, the real reason this success story exists, is because she acted on what she was learning. We were merely there to encourage and support.
Many, many congratulations!
I have been meaning to email you for some time now to give you some positive feedback of your inCYST website and online radio segments. I found out I had PCOS last August and since then it has been a complete whirlwind for me. I found out because I was trying to get pregnant, and I truly believe that I would not have gotten pregnant if it weren't for both the inCYST website and the PCOS Challenge radio show (which is where I first heard about you). I'm due July 20th!: )
I seem to get something out of every post, but recently I especially appreciated the 'Note to physicians on Metformin' as well as the 'Lesson in reaching out for support' segments. On the metformin issue, that was the first time I've ever heard a professional mention that the current standard dosage may be too high for some. I believe this is true for me. I was told to get up to 2000 mg/day, but could never seem to do it. I stayed between 1000 and 1500/day and got regular periods that way (and thus became pregnant).
I also listened to the lesson for support segment. That caller (bless her heart!) could have been me talking. What a wonderful source of support that segment was! My favorite portion of that segment was when you pointed out that it might not always behoove us to listen to our appetite. I totally agree with this. Sometimes my appetite is right on, and sometimes it really deceives me. Before I knew I had PCOS, I remember feeling shameful because the mass media always said that overweight people have emotional problems and just need to deal with that in order to lose weight. Oprah Winfrey always sends this message on her shows. I believe that for many and for me, it is way more of a blood sugar issue.
Monika, I can't stress to you the importance of the work you are doing here. Thank you for dedicating so much of your time and energy into this population. I feel so fortunate to be a part of the inCYST network.
A million thanks!