If you haven't picked out a New Year's resolution yet, I would like you to consider supporting us part of your resolve.
We are here for you. And to the greatest of our ability, everything we do is about you. We do as much as we can, with the resources we have.
And we'd love to be able to do a whole lot more.
Our goal is to raise money to support research that benefits YOU. A very small part of that is needed for basic administrative expenses, but for the most part it's money we want and plan to give to science.
We had a record month on the blog last month, hitting almost 8000 views. Imagine what could be done if each of those readers joined with a $25 membership!
If you don't have $25, even $1 will make a difference.
If you're interested, here is information on how to donate. http://www.incyst.com/2011/07/how-you-can-become-member-of-incyst.html
Thank you!
Here's to bigger and better things in 2012…that you make possible.