Hello readers,
I just took a moment to look at this blog's statistics for 2009. Readers from 83 different countries (not to mention our local backyards of Phoenix and Los Angeles) have used our pages an average of 1200 times per month! And, most importantly, we're hearing from those readers that the information is helping--at least 14 babies have been partially attributed to the information we're posting. Several of these babies came to women who were told they would never be able to conceive without medical intervention. (Two of those babies will be coming to inCYST network members, which is especially exciting to hear!)
Some of you have written that you're losing weight. Others are starting to feel relief from your depression. Others are sleeping through the night without medication. Our grocery store classes, originally in one store, have expanded into two, with plans to grow beyond even that. It's very rewarding to know that what started as a simple blog has grown into a resource that is empowering women in so many places and life situations to take action and reclaim their health.
But those numbers are not an invitation to boast or rest. It is an indication of the responsibility we accepted when we decided to create this blog. If you're going to take the time to read what we have to say, it's important that we take that popularity seriously. We're not here for US…we're here for you! I look forward to hearing from each and every one of you as 2009 progresses. What helped? What didn't? What would you like to see more of? Please comment when you have ideas, so we can tailor our programs to best fit your needs.
I feel blessed to have work that generates such positive energy, and inspired to push myself, as well as inCYST, to always be better today than it was the day before. Thank you so very much for being part of that inspiration!
I hope you have many wonderful things to look forward to in the coming year, and we hope to see you here often!
Happy New Year,
Monika M. Woolsey, MS, RD
Founder, inCYST Programs for Women with PCOS