I was recently asked about whether or not Nutella was healthy for PCOS. Compared to some other choices, it's not really so bad. Hazelnuts are a good source of monounsaturated fats, and folate. However, it has added sugar and palm oil, which are not ingredients you should be consuming on a regular basis.
I found a healthy hazelnut spread recipe online which looks easy to make. The palm oil has been replaced with canola oil. I encourage you to undercut the amount of sugar, say start with 1/2 cup, and increase to taste, to see how little you can get away with.
This time of year hazelnut powder is available at Trader Joe's, which makes this recipe even easier.
Oh, boy, this German girl is happy to know one of her faves is back on the radar!
Try it on waffles, sandwiches, toast…you name it!