So by now I'm sure you've heard the news about the new mammography recommendations. I wasn't on the panel and I'm not a breast cancer specialist, but I do have some thoughts pertaining to what these findings and the potential implications mean, to women reading this blog.
It's a mixed bag.
1. First of all, it's not the scientists, it's not the government, and it's not your doctor who is in charge of your health. YOU are in charge of your health. If you're using this situation as an excuse to be paralyzed about self-care, you've been defeated and you've turned your health over to someone else.
2. Keep in mind, many women with PCOS have high estrogen levels, meaning they have extra estrogen that can find its way to estrogen-sensitive tissues and cause problems such as cancer. You are potentially an at-risk population that needs earlier mammograms than the average American woman. It is important when discussing your personal need for earlier mammograms, that this health issue be included in the decision making. If your physician does not acknowledge or understand the relationship between PCOS and cancer, it is your right to find a physician who does.
Sticking with the same physician and allowing that attitude to guide your health choices is turning your health fate over to someone who doesn't deserve it.
3. The good news is, women with PCOS are already used to advocating for themselves so doing so with the mammogram issue is not something they're likely unaccustomed to doing. Be assertive!
4. The bad news is, women with weight issues tend to avoid doctor visits because they don't want to be chided about losing weight. If you don't go to the doctor, all of the above don't even matter. Find a physician who will treat you respectfully…AND MAKE A COMMITMENT TO REGULAR PHYSICALS.
5. Remember, getting a mammogram is not the only thing you can do to reduce your risk of breast cancer. Breast self-exams are very important. Women with poor body image are not the best at conducting breast self-exams. If you're having trouble with the idea of looking at and feeling your breasts, the consequences could be as serious as not getting that mammogram. Ask for support.
6. A local television station sends out a monthly self-exam reminder, which I'll forward to all of you as well. If that helps you to remember to do them, then it's our pleasure to be a part of that. Here is information on how to perform a breast self exam.
7. All of the dietary recommendations you see here are made taking into consideration the implications for risk of other diseases, including cancer. Taking care of yourself in ways that benefit your PCOS, also reduce your risk of breast cancer. So eat well, be active, manage your stress…and get some sleep!
Remember, your health is YOURS. Not the government's, not your doctor's, not your insurance company's. Care for it like it's your most valuable possession. Because it is.