Chatted with Beth Wolf tonight, and she summarized the list of walk-a-thon sponsors.
It's an honor to see so much support the first time out! Ladies, they believe in you, and that's a wonderful thing.
Please, if you ever have an opportunity to make a spending choice, consider supporting the companies who support YOUR health, by supporting our goal to fund research:
Growing Naturals Growers and makers of organic, raw, soy-free, gluten-free, vegan brown rice protein powder and milk
Maxim Hygiene Organic women's hygiene products
St. Joseph's Hospital Sponsors of local PCOS support group
Boston IVF New infertility clinic in New Hampshire
Arizona Mesquite Company High protein, gluten-free, diabetes-friendly baking flour with a decidely Southwestern flavor
Beauty Foods Nutricosmetic (nutrition supplement for skin health) that is also sleep promoting
Cerene Linens Specially designed bed linens to keep you cool through the night
Stonyfield Organic yogurt
Ibitta Specializing in natural supplements made with diabetes and weight management in mind