Ever felt like no one understood you and your PCOS? You're not alone. One woman stepped up and placed herself on a reality show where she was able to share the trials, tribulations, and complications of hormone imbalances that PCOS presents in women attempting to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Stacy Citron is an actress, singer and stand-up comedian who recently moved to Los Angeles from Seattle. Stacy has many interests all of which she attacks with energy, humor and passion. Stacy loves to cook, paint, and has an inescapable love of fashion. Stacy is very passionate about her career in the arts and loves using it as a platform to address PCOS and the lack of information shared about it with the world. You can currently see Stacy performing locally in the LA area as well as on Bravo's new hit show Thintervention with Jackie Warner every Monday night at 10pm/9c.
Please check your time zones! This broadcast will occur on Monday, October 4, at 12 pm Eastern, 11 am Central, 10 am Mountain, and 9 am Pacific/Arizona times. If you cannot listen live, the recording will be in our archives at www.blogtalkradio.com/incystforhormones