Most of you have some type of sleep disorder…and that can mess with your insulin and melatonin levels. You've already been told, here, and many, many times, elsewhere, that you need to get more omega-3's in your diet.
Did you know, chia seeds are one of the highest omega-3 foods around? One ounce of chia seeds has about 5000 mg of ALA, the vegetarian omega-3. That is more than twice what you need in a day!
Interestingly, chia seeds are high in tryptophan and often have a side effect of drowsiness, so if you're one of that majority of women with PCOS who have trouble with sleep, here's a potential idea for a non-pharmaceutical answer.
Dr. Oz (he's not my usual reference but this seemed practical) recommends taking chia seeds about 3 hours before bedtime. You can simply stir them into a glass of water and drink them, or you can sprinkle them onto yogurt, or into smoothies.

One of my friends of Mexican descent recently shared a recipe from the blog No Meat Athlete for something called pinole, a chia/cornmeal cake that has been made for centuries by the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico. They're the ones famous for running. I tried the recipe out last week. Instead of adding sugar, I juiced a nectarine and stirred it in. It was interesting, and I intend to experiment more with the recipe to make it more user-friendy. In its current form it's probably more something a total nutrition junkie would eat, not something irresistible to the average American palate. Here's the link if you want to try it out for yourself. If you make revisions that you like please share them!