I recently went to Los Angeles to chat with ABC-7 Food Coach Lori Corbin, about some of the pitfalls of raw foodism. I'm not anti-raw, I just want anyone who chooses that lifestyle to make good decisions to insure that what they are doing does not cause more problems than it helps. Here is the link to the story. I have been working with our friends at Growing Naturals to develop a raw web resource, which was also mentioned in this story. It can be found at www.eatrawright.com. As we develop this site, you will be able to find information on how to transition to raw eating, how to prevent common nutrition-related imbalances, as well as recipes from popular chefs such as Chef Blythe Raw. If you live in SoCal, the restaurant where we filmed the ABC segment, SunCafe in Studio City, has cooking classes on Saturday mornings. If you've truly committed to eating this way, learn the right techniques and do it well. Information can be found on their website.
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