I don't normally refer back and forth between the several places I write, I figure you're subscribed to the places you want to receive updates. But something very special happened this week, and it started with one of you. I wanted to be sure that wherever you stay in touch with us, you know about it.
Monday, one of you sent me this photo, which by now has gone viral. It was taken in a store on the East Coast, Green Grocer, that had pulled Kashi Cereal off of its shelves. I did some research and found there was a story worth writing, and published one on my Examiner column. It didn't take long for it to get spread around; in two days, my Examiner archives had recieved more views than they did all last year!
This morning I was checking my statistics and noticed that the article had been linked to in the second paragraph of a Huffington Post article. And if you read that article, it seems as though all the attention this incident has been getting has Kashi doing some PR work.
The audience this article reached was far greater than my immediate network, so I know in large part what happened had to do with people like you, reading and forwarding to inform your own networks. It is exactly what I have been advocating for all of you to believe all along, that your opinion matters, your voice is important to use, and your wallets have a vote.
I'm not the kind of person who jumps from publicity opp to publicity opp, lighting my hair on fire for a few extra hits on my website, at all. But I do believe that together, with a common purpose, and belief that we have the power to create positive change, that is exactly what can happen.
I hope this inspires all of you to speak out more in the future, and to believe that your voice is important in the big scheme of things!