One of my goals with inCYST is to create a new paradigm for treatment of inflammatory disorders such as PCOS. Rather than debate over whether Western medicine, Eastern medicine, or Naturopathic medicine is THE modality of choice, I'd like to put the best minds from each specialty together to create new ways of thinking and helping.
Our latest webinar by Susan Lundgren, NMD (naturopathic medical doctor), is an excellent start in that direction. Dr. Lundgren has put together a great presentation which explains in detail her qualifications as a healer, how she is trained to think that looks at PCOS through a unique set of lenses, and some of the modalities she uses in helping her patients.
If you've been thinking about working with a naturopath, consider registering for this session. (We had a slight glitch with the audio on our first try so we are re-recording it next Thursday, May 5, 2011, 8 pm Eastern time.) This webinar is part of our 2011 PCOS Professional Training package; if you'd like to get your toes wet, you can register for just this lecture; if you decide before December 31, 2011 to enroll in the entire series and join our network, you can apply the $40 you paid for this class toward that total.
Dr. Lundgren has also recently started a blog you might enjoy, http://www.drlundgren.wordpress.com/. Phoenix cysters, take note! She is part of a medical practice you can learn more about at http://www.naturecurehouse.com/.
I'm really grateful to have met Dr. Lundgren, and for her generosity and enthusiasm about what we're doing. I'm very much looking forward to many fruitful collaborations, and to learning more about her passion for naturopathic medicine!