Not long ago I created a webinar about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. I found a great graphic that explains something most people have not considered when it comes to reproductive hormone health. Many of the hormones that we need for proper function of our reproductive systems (whether we're trying to conceive or slow down aging), are made out of cholesterol. Just look at this picture below!

As you can see, we need a decent supply of cholesterol in the body in order to even make progesterone and estrogen! However, we've become very obsessed with the idea that cholesterol is a"bad" thing. So much so that in 2001 the National Cholesterol Education Program lowered the level of ideal cholesterol so much that the number of people who ideally should be on cholesterol-lowering medications…tripled.
This may be more pertinent to women with PCOS, approaching menopause, who are more likely to be placed on statin medications than younger women who are trying to conceive.
However, I just wonder, a lot, if it's not really a coincidence that as we focus on cholesterol and getting it out of our bodies, we also seem to be developing more problems related to hormone imbalances…infertility, early menopause, even Alzheimer's, which is starting to be recognized as a consequence of insulin resistance, which is associated with PCOS.
Bottom line: Eat well, and be careful of obnoxiously high cholesterol levels, but try to avoid an obsession with a"lower is better" mentality. Cholesterol is an essential compound, and not to be feared.