The Hemp Connection + time to be

Food of the week: Zing Bars

I am mostly a purist. I like real food from the source. But I am also a realist. And I understand that not everyone can cook, or even likes to cook. And that there are times when you are hungry when there's not a kitchen in sight. So I wanted to share a new product with you that I really like.

I have 3 friends in Seattle, all nutritionists, who partnered with a fourth friend, to create an all-natural, wheat-free, gluten-free, soy-free, low-glycemic energy bar that is just perfect for someone with PCOS. It's got the right kind of fats, and its protein source is whey protein powder, which is great too. Currently available flavors are: chocolate peanut butter, blueberry almond, and oatmeal chocolate chip. I especially like the fact that nutritionists understand that it's much easier to get people to try something healthy if you throw in a little chocolate!

I am really excited about this product, because it's not easy for me to come up with grab-and-go ideas for women with PCOS, and this one fits the bill.

It takes a lot of work and sacrifice to take an idea you have over coffee…"There's nothing out there I can recommend to my clients…hey, why don't I create my own?"…into a reality…and I am really excited that my friends stuck with their idea to the point where I can promote it to people like you. Which is the other reason I'm telling all of you about them. I'd really like them to be rewarded for what it took to go into a business that provides a much-needed service for women like you.

Currently, Zing Bars are primarily available on the West Coast (there is a store locator on the website), but you can order them online by the box. If you like them, be sure you encourage your local stores to stock them.

For more information, visit

chocolate, energy, food, healthy body, nutrition, protein, and more:

Food of the week: Zing Bars + time to be