This is me after day one of Expo West, staring at my pile of samples, business cards, and brochures, wondering how the heck I'm going to make it through airport security on the way home.
This is still pretty much me two weeks later, only the pile is three times as big and it has been moved to and divided between my sofa, my office, and my dining room table. I'm methodically sorting through everything evaluating whether or not it's got potential to help you, the woman with PCOS, with your quest for better health.
Now that we've got a short list, we're getting ready to launch a new project, a monthly newsletter with coupons and samples from companies we liked, who are very interested in getting to know you! All products have been reviewed by us, are hormone-friendly, primarily green and organic, and from companies we trust.
If you're interested in participating (and we sure hope you are, since we want to help you save label reading time as well as money!), please go to our Facebook Fan page, inCYST Programs for Women with PCOS, and sign up under the"Email signup" tab next to the Mail Chimp monkey. The link to our Facebook page can be found in the right-hand margin of this blog.
I'm not in charge of the monkey, so I'm not sure how he came to be. But he sure is cute, isn't he?