I don't think I've ever talked about this, but inCYST has, over the years, developed an interesting niche within its niche — we do a lot of work with dietittians who themselves have PCOS.
I imagine it must be tough to have a diagnosis that defies much of what we learned in our formal training. When I've done onsite trainings, I've invited dietitians in attendance to share their experience. And the fortitude it takes to pursue our specialty when a big part of the world has an expectation that you should have a certain body type if you have a degree in nutrition…well, let's just say that colleagues with PCOS have become some of my very favorite clients.
We actually have quite a few in our network. And I love that! It hopefully speaks volumes about what we believe at inCYST. Degrees hung on the wall do not constitute immunity from inflammation. Putting yourself out there on Twitter or Facebook or any public forum for that matter, does not insulate you from the realities of PCOS.
We do believe we have some things going on here that would be helpful to you. If you'd like a private consultation (something that I imagine is extremely difficult to ask for when you may be feeling like you should have a handle on this), please know you are welcome, that you will be treated with professionalism and confidentiality, and without judgment. You haven't done anything wrong. You've just lived in a world that can be hard on certain body types.: )
We just want to be sure you are getting the best information and guidance possible!