We've got some very big research opportunity brewing here. I'm super excited about it, but I'm also concerned, with the low follow through on simple requests we've had here on this page at all price points, in all locations, at all levels of difficulty, that the dropout rate we might experience due to poor motivation will overshadow the real benefits to any treatment we try. That would be a disservice to women who ARE motivated and making healthy choices. Research findings only work on individuals who are motivated to act on that science. It only makes sense that when we study science, we study it on the individuals most likely to make real use of that science.
Therefore, the only women who will be eligible to apply to participate in any inCYST-sponsored studies…will be those who have demonstrated that they are willing to invest in themselves. We'll be recruiting from paid members of the Institute for any studies that we sponsor. Thank you for understanding.
If you'd like to join the Institute and reap the benefits of participating in research, click here for more information. A $25 membership will cost you slightly less than 3 meals at McDonald's, or about 5 packs of cigarettes, 12 2-liter bottles of soda, or a manicure. Only one has potential to better the situation that brought you to this blog in the first place!
A final note--we don't want to be recruiting from a pool of women only interested in a single aspect of PCOS — we are a mind-body organization and that goes against our philosophy. We are looking to create a pool of potential subjects who participate in what we do for our big picture vision. For that reason, please do not ask what the nature of the study will be. That will be disclosed to Institute members when subject recruitment for each study begins.
We do hope you join us. We've got a lot we plan to accomplish and we really do need you on our team.