Tempe, Arizona
If you're wanting to make this holiday season the one you enjoy completely (and that means not worrying about the food or your weight), please come to Whole Foods for our"inCYST on Better Eating!". I purposely scheduled the calendar so this class occurs right between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
This topic is the most popular of the four, and it only comes around once every four months. So if you are interested, now is the time to register!
Topics we'll cover include:
--What’s a good carb, what’s not
--Manage those cravings for sweets
--Which fats are good for fertility, which ones are not
--Eating well despite the chaos
--How food can help mood swings and depression
I met with the Whole Foods staff last week to get the holiday deli menus from them, including ingredients. They've got some great items in their deli that can make your holidays a whole lot less stressful. We'll be looking at those to see how they fit into a healthy eating plan.
As always, we'll wrap up the class by cruising the aisles and looking for new things to try. If you have recipes for the holidays, be sure to bring them so we can discuss how to maximize their nutritional value.
Time: 6:30 — 8:30 pm Cost to participate: $15. You can either call me and register by phone at 623.486.0737, or register online. I am still trying to figure out how to get my Yahoo store to not charge the shipping charge that pops up. If you see it, please know, I manually remove it before processing any charges. I am a much better nutritionist than I am a techie!
Marina del Rey, California
I am working on a Whole Foods set up in LA as well. Until we have it confirmed…we're meeting at the Panera Bread in Marina del Rey, 4720 Lincoln Blvd. We'll test drive something on the Panera menu and go over your holiday menus and any other questions you might have about healthy eating. Time: 6:30 — 8:30 pm. You can either call me and register by phone at 623.486.0737, or register online.
If the Wednesday night time just doesn't fit into your schedule, keep our January Saturday seminar in mind. All four classes are rolled into one, and we'll be meeting at Ellen Reiss Goldfarb's office. Click here for more information.
Please do register in advance so I know how many handouts to bring.
I hope you can make it! This class is incredibly fun, and the more the merrier.
Monika M. Woolsey, MS, RD