The term"anti-inflammatory" has been floating around Facebook, the blogosphere, and Twitter recently. It has, apparently, become the new buzzword. It's an important term, so before it overexposes itself out of your consciousness, I thought it would be good to tackle with regards to what it means to hormone balance.
What is inflammation? It is a condition that exists when the metabolic cost of what you are doing is not adequately balanced with activities that allow for adequate repair and maintenance.
A friend once bought a brand new car. It served her faithfully for a few years…and then, one day, in the deepest cold of winter, it just stopped. After visiting with the mechanic, she asked me what I knew about oil changes. I told her I had them once every 3,000 miles, just as the owner's manual recommended. Through her sheepish facial expression, she shared that she had never once changed or even checked the oil level. Her car died because it had run completely out of oil.
Just like your car, your body will give out on you if you do not balance normal life activities and stresses with repair and maintenance. You need to take time out of your day and spend money in order to keep your car…and yourself…running efficiently and to remain standing over time…but if you don't, the time, money, ad loss you potentially have to spend will be even more.
What are some pro-inflammatory (inflammation-promoting) activities to be aware of?
Any kind of activity that raises your metabolism is pro-inflammatory.
**If you're stressed and not addressing that stress to reduce its influence, you're pro-inflammatory.
**If you're not sleeping, which allows your body's metabolism to slow down for a few hours, you're pro-inflammatory.
**If you're dealing with a chronic medical condition, THAT can be pro-inflammatory. And that can be a double-whammy if the reason you're sick to begin with, is that your body has started to give out from your not making good self-care choices.
**If you're eating a high-carbohydrate diet, or bingeing on sweets, that is pro-inflammatory. Carbohydrates need more of your body's oxygen to be metabolized than do other calorie sources.
**If you're using stimulants, legal or otherwise, to compensate for not sleeping well, that is pro-inflammatory.
Believe it or not, exercise is pro-inflammatory! The trick to using it to your benefit is to use it with respect.
**If you exercise every single day without taking a day off, or if you do the same exercise every time instead of changing it up and resting different muscle groups, it becomes pro-inflammatory.
**If you do not eat enough to fuel the exercise you are doing, that is pro-inflammatory.
**If you exercise so much that you cannot sleep adequately, that is pro-inflammatory.
**If you cut your sleep short in order to get to the gym, that is pro-inflammatory.
If your exercise helps you to manage your stress (provided it is not your ONLY outlet for stress), helps you to sleep, is countered with downtime, and is fueled with an adequate, varied diet, it can be anti-inflammatory. It is HOW you use exercise that matters.
If you are binge eating, not eating, swinging back and forth between the two, eating a limited variety of foods, your nutrition program is pro-inflammatory. It's not just about omega-3's, blueberries, and supplements. It's how everything you eat fits into the big picture that counts.
I think the guys in today's photos are saying it best. It's as much about what you DON'T do…as what you DO do.