Though I earn my living as a nutrition expert, I am far from being a skilled chef. I love to experiment in the kitchen, and a lot of times it comes out great! But every significant other I've ever had…will gladly tell you about times I failed miserably in the kitchen. I say that because sometimes I think there are two types of people, those who cook extremely well and write/post about it, and those who are so intimidate by those who cook extremely well, so much so that they are paralyzed right out of picking up a spatula.
So I'm here to tell you not to be intimidated! Some of my best discoveries come out of my biggest disasters. Here's something that happened over the weekend that I think is going turn out to be a great timesaver.

I was super tired from working all day. I was excited to make a great Thai fish stew with jasmine rice, but had no idea the amount of rice I was cooking was going to fill the entire rice cooker!
What you see here is what was left AFTER I served myself enough for a pretty sizeable dinner. I was frustrated, and feeling like I'd wasted some really good food, as there was no way I was going to be able eat all of this by myself.
Sure enough, you can. I know, I know, if you're readiis and you're a chef or dietitian you probably are thinking I should have known this! But that's entirely my point, I'm not perfect in the kitchen and my foibles are probably some of my more interesting blog post. Here's a nice guide to freezing food that I found while researching for myself.

So I packaged up all the extra to use on future busy nights. This is going to be great to microwave when I have a big pot of something in the slow cooker. And it's a more efficient use of electricity, rather than heating it up every single time I want some rice.
By the way, the rice you see in these pictures is brown jasmine rice. I found it at Fresh and Easy. I'd not ever seen it before but for our Asian readers and those who love Asian cooking, it is definitely worth checking out. That was my second great discovery of the weekend.
Don't be afraid to get in the kitchen! Whether it merits mention on a food blog or ends up being your family's greatest memory to recount when the wine's been flowing, you likely learned something that improved your capabilities as a chef.