What do teas and bees have to do with your hormones? What do they have to do with each other? (Besides combining to make wonderfully tasty refreshments, that is!)
We'll be chatting with Kerstin Wingert, president and co-founder of Souvia Tea, a Phoenix-based, award-winning retail, wholesale and e-commerce resource for premium loose leaf teas and herbals. (Regular blog followers may remember Kerstin, as she helped me pair teas with lemonades for our popular"Arnold Palmer" recipe feature over the summer.
Kerstin will be teaching us the basics of tea: why bottled teas miss the m…ark, why teas sold by large corporate entities differ in quality from those purchased by smaller companies such as Souvia, what you can believe (and discard) when it comes to health claims made about tea, and…how to make tea more user-friendly if you'd like to take advantage of its benefits.
Currently in its 6th year of business, Souvia has become the premier place in the Valley for tea education and offers a variety of “infotainment” sessions around tea and herbals. Wingert has led dozens of informative talks, classes and events for professional, academic and civic groups on the subject and remains a sought after speaker. She also makes regular television appearances on “Sonoran Living” and “Your Life A-Z."
Co-host Michael Keele of Central Slope, will be telling us about his partnership with Humble Seed, which will bring the documentary"Vanishing of the Bees" to Phoenix for a special screening.
All of this episode's guests have great information, and as you'll see, it most certainly has pertinence to your own health and hormone balance.
Tune in live at 9 am Pacific time on Monday, October 25, or at your convenience for the recording, at www.blogtalkradio.com/incystforhormones.