Most people I work with know that they need to eat vegetables. They even eat them when served. But when it comes to planning, shopping for, and actually cooking them…there is a huge disconnect. Whenever I do a grocery store tour, I notice the participant body language change when we enter the produce section. When I start discussions about"How would you see using this?" there is often an uncomfortable silence before someone tries to answer.
One option I've really enjoyed for myself is a food coop. Rather than making up menus ahead of time, or showing up at a farmer's market not knowing what's going to be there and having to decide what to bring home, or having to make decisions in a crowded store at the end of a long day, a food coop simply puts together a food basket that you pay for in advance and pick up at a pre-determined time.
The beauty of this is that many of the decisions have been made for you. Your job is, to figure out how to use the items you've been provided. But the likelihood is, that since the food is already in your home, you'll eat it.
Years ago here in Phoenix I belonged to a food coop. I absolutely loved it. I would get things in my box I probably never would have purchased on my own, and what I learned in the process of researching recipes was always engaging. I have learned to like fennel bulbs and arugula thanks to that food coop.
Bountiful Baskets is a popular food coop here in Phoenix that many of my friends belong to. I love seeing their Facebook posts of what they got for the week, and following the conversations about ideas for what to do with the food. The picture in today's post is a picture of a typical purchase from Bountiful Baskets. They also, I learned in researching this, they also serve Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming.
For the busy person, this can be a timesaver as well as encouraging better food choices.
Try a food coop and see for yourself!