It's PCOS Awareness Month, and while I think that's awesome, I also receive announcements on a daily basis that it's National Watermelon Day, National Yoga Day, you name it. Everyone wants air time, but they don't seem to quite know why they want it, or what to do with it once they get it.
Women with PCOS deserve to be validated for their disorder, but what do they want the attention for? What kind of attention do they want? Do they have an action plan past getting on the news?
I didn't want to play into that, because PCOS exists 24/7, every month of the year, not just September. So I asked women on our Facebook page to share with me what they are doing that puts a positive face on the diagnosis. Those are the women who I want to profile on the blog this month. They are the ones who can break the stereotypes, and who are advocating for others as well as themselves.
Today, I'll start with Miriam, who says,
I have made a consistent effort to accept my body, to work hard at eating well, and not being afraid to tell people that I have PCOS, and what exactly that means.
I am happy today, after a very long diagnosis and suffering from depression. That is the best part, is that I am happy. Exercise, fresh fruits and veggies, and knowing that I am healthy make me happy.
Miriam has clearly been doing this a long time, and she did so for herself, not because it was going to get her any kind of award or recognition. She is promoting the most important kind of awareness, that no matter how much airtime you get, the most important PCOS attention is that which you give to yourself. No one can beat this disease for you.
Keep up the good work!