We’ve reached that point in the year where New Year’s resolutions have long-since faded, the desire and commitment to creating a “beach body” has also expired, and, although it’s still blazing hot in most parts of the country, fall fashions abound, and Halloween cards and paraphernalia have already appeared in the stores. What a great time to reactivate your commitment to health!
I propose that you do that by thinking long-term, and giving yourself some motivation by:
· Thinking of health as a year-round project, instead of a seasonal exercise. It’s better to think now about how to prevent yourself from packing on winter flab than to mindlessly eat your way into the next size up. If being overweight is part of your PCOS struggle, you know how much you prize the loss of even one pound, and how much more effort it took to produce that loss than it would for any non-PCOS woman. In our case, the backsliding can take weeks or even months to recover from – don’t let it happen!
· Remembering that even though YOU may take a vacation, your PCOS doesn’t take a vacation. It’s a lifetime effort, and our bodies are so sensitive. I don’t know about you, but too much alcohol (more than a glass of wine), caffeine (sadly, more than about half a cup of coffee), or high glycemic food makes me feel incredibly awful. My heart races, I get sleepy and begin to experience brain fog, and thirst overwhelms me. In mere minutes, I can feel my body getting unbalanced, and like I said above, it might take the rest of the day, or even up to 48 hours to really get back in synch. That’s a high price to pay for short-term indulgence. Think of moderation as a gift you’re giving to your body, your brain, your productivity, and your sociability.
· Setting some goals, if you KNOW you need them to be motivated. And as much as we may resist the idea, most of us DO respond to goal-setting, especially when it’s tied to rewards. Think of some affordable, healthy, readily obtained rewards – a manicure, a basket of fat golden raspberries, a foot massage, or the latest trendy shade of nail polish. Don’t wait until the first of the month, or your birthday, or whatever. Today’s a Monday; that’s good enough!
· Beginning to treat yourself like a priority, instead of an afterthought. Sure, you’re busy with the house, the kids, your husband, your friends, your church, your hobbies, and whatever else. But you can’t get well, or stay well, unless you act as if you are at least as important as everything else that pulls on your attention or your heart-strings. Program a reminder into your smart phone. Write some Post-It notes and stick them up around the house. Ask a friend to remind you regularly how fabulous and worthy you are.
All of this requires effort, true enough, and you are SO worth it!
Gretchen Kubacky, Psy.D. is a Health Psychologist in private practice in West Los Angeles, California. She has completed the inCYST training. She specializes in counseling women and couples who are coping with infertility, PCOS, and related endocrine disorders and chronic illnesses.
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