I've written much about the important connection between the oceans' health and your own health.
There is an opportunity approaching this weekend which gives you an opportunity to make a difference, called LA Helps LA. Here is the information:
The event will be held on Sunday, October 3, from 3 pm to 7 pm, in a private loft at Dogtown Station in Venice, California. You will be provided the address after you register.
Small Pleasures Catering (http://www.smallpleasurescatering.com/ )is proud to announce that we will be joining forces with the food blogging community of Los Angeles, Uncle Darrow's Cajun/Creole Restaurant (http://www.uncledarrows.com/) and The Cheese Impresario (http://www.thecheeseimpresario.com/) to present a tasting fund raising event to benefit the Gulf Relief Network (GRN). We are also very happy to announce that with Hall Wines (http://www.hallwines.com/) of Napa, Ca is partnering with us and will be serving their wines at the event.
Just in- I'm so excited to announce that Catdaddy Carolina Moonshine (http://www.catdaddymoonshine.com/) is joining us to share New Orleans style cocktails made with their delicious new spirit.
GRN's (www.healthygulf.org) mission is to unite and empower people to protect and restore the natural resources of the Gulf of Mexico for future generations, and to assume the responsibility of returning the Gulf to its previous splendor.
Bloggers participating include:
Cheryl D. Lee of Black Girl Chef's Whites (http://blackgirlchefswhites.com/wordpress)
Agnieszka Graczyk of One More Bite (http://agablack.wordpress.com/)
Adair Seldon of Lentil Breakdown (http://lentilbreakdown.blogspot.com/)
Mac Ledesma of Dishin in the Kitchen (http://www.dishininthekitchen.com/)
Erika Penzer Kerekes of (http://www.inerikaskitchen.com/)
Rachael Hutchings of La Fujimama (http://www.lafujimama.com/)
Amir Thomas of Duo Dishes (http://www.duodishes.com/)
Susan Lesser of Reservations for Three (http://reservationforthree.blogspot.com/)
Greg Henry of Sippity Sup (http://www.sippitysup.com/)
Rashmi Nigam of Yumkid (http://www.yumkid.com/)
Raffle prizes have been donated by The Cheese Impresario, The Lisa Ekus Group, and the University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press Raffle tickets will sell for $2 each and 3 for $5. You need not be present to win.
More prizes just in -Chefs Susan Spicer and John Besh are donating signed copies of their cookbooks. Also, gift certificates from http://www.ilovebluesea.com/.
Latest raffle prize-a signed copy of Ralph Brennan's New Orleans Seafood Cookbook, and a gift certificate for dinner for 4 at Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen at Disney Downtown. BIG THANKS!
Stay tuned for updates as more bloggers, partners and prize donors join us.
Tickets are $50
Please respond to Gisele@smallpleasurescatering.com to purchase tickets.
I guest blogged for Gisele about the connection between our respective professions. Click here to read more.