Hello everyone,
I had a wonderful time in Michigan getting to know some new inCYSTERs in our training. I wanted to highlight them in this post, plus mention some new names you will be seeing more often here on the blog.
JACKIE SMIERTKA is a nurse who specializes in bariatric medicine. She has worked in that field for many, many years, and she recognized that PCOS was coming through her door. She was my initial Detroit contact, and she hosted my training. She is passionate, not to mention compassionate. She owns the Quality of Life Center, a one-stop center for people who have needs associated with their bariatric surgery. That center now has the ability to help women with PCOS who are either contemplating such a surgery or who have had one and would like to work with someone who understands PCOS.
SALLY MYERS is the dietitian who introduced me to Jackie! She is currently in Herndon, Virginia, she is well known as a bariatric nutrition specialist, and I am really excited to have her in the network as a resource on nutrition for bariatric surgery when PCOS is an associated condition. Sally is also a competetive racewalker! I enjoyed learning more about that sport during our lunch breaks.
TERRIE HOLIEWINSKI is a dietitian at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, who specializes in working with cardiovascular issues and PCOS. She is passionate about this work, and loves working with PCOS!
IVONNE BERKOWITZ officially finished her inCYST training this past Sunday. She is a certified wellness coach and she loves to write. I hope you enjoyed her post on labels, her style is very"tell it exactly like it is without pulling punches," and she's got some great ideas that can help you with the practical application of what you see on the blog.
I am adding links and contact information as I have them…please seek these professionals out if they are in your area! The amount of work they have put into learning about PCOS and their passion for wanting to help is a fabulous combination just waiting for you to take advantage of!