As you know, we're big on breastfeeding at inCYST. We believe it helps reduce the susceptibility to PCOS, we believe incorrect nutrition information deters women from doing it, and we believe that doing it improves the health of mom as well as baby. We're also very concerned about how few physicians, dietitians, nurses, and other health professionals simply do not know that PCOS can make it difficult to breastfeed. We'd like to be a part of changing that.
I received a letter from the United States Breastfeeding Committee that explains some of the important work they are doing, along with a link to donate to their cause.
If your life has ever been personally touched by a lactation consultant, if our work at inCYST encouraged you to breastfeed, or if you simply believe in what these hard working yet often unrecognized health professionals do, consider honoring their labor this holiday with a donation using the provided link.
Dear Friend,
The United States Breastfeeding Committee is committed to ensuring that working women and their families receive the support they need to have optimal breastfeeding experiences. This Labor Day we are thrilled to celebrate our new national workplace support law by sharing a story of one mother's experience of making breastfeeding work:
"I always expected to be a stay-at-home mother, but after years of working at SAS my perspective began to change. SAS made it so easy to continue working by offering benefits such as on-site childcare, on-site health care, breastfeeding seminars, lactation rooms, lactation consultants and more. In the seminars, I learned about the health benefits to me and my child as well as the bonding opportunities that breastfeeding provides. I truly got the sense that this was something that my employer wanted my child and me to be able to experience. They encouraged me to breastfeed not only for my benefit, but for theirs as well. They understood the benefits for businesses--healthier babies mean less employee time away from work tending to sick children. Happier, healthier moms mean more productive workers.
When each of my children was born, we met with the lactation consultants several times in the on-site health care center. This helped ensure that breastfeeding was off to a good start and gave me confidence in my ability to breastfeed. Upon returning to work, I was able to nurse my two children for the first year of their lives. In the beginning, I walked to the child care center 2-3 times per day. I'd sit with other moms in the nursing room, which has a home-like atmosphere complete with couches, soft music and lighting--just the right environment conducive to nursing infants. (They even deliver lunch from the SAS cafeteria, if you so choose.) I was away from work for about 30 minutes each time. As the months passed, we transitioned to one feeding during my lunch hour. If I wasn't able to make it over for a feeding, I could pump in the privacy of my locked office or lactation room. The flexibility was priceless.
I cherish this time spent with my children. I felt connected to them rather than conflicted about being a working mom. If SAS didn't provide such a wonderful environment, I may have made a different decision about being a working mom. My hope is that every mom is able to enjoy the benefits of breastfeeding their children while still contributing to the working world."
- Leslie W. Anderson, SAS
With the inclusion of the workplace breastfeeding support provision in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the U.S. joins the rest of the industrialized world in providing breastfeeding mothers with break time and a private location to express breast milk during the workday. The new law marks a turning point in our efforts to ensure that"breastfeeding works" for all moms like it did for Leslie. In passing this provision, our federal government has clearly recognized that breastfeeding support in the workplace is a win-win for families and employers!
But the work doesn't stop when the law is passed…
The Department of Labor (DOL) is tasked with implementation of the new law, and the DOL Wage and Hour Division recently issued a preliminary online Fact Sheet. USBC has prepared guidance and recommendations for the Wage and Hour Division and continues to work with the DOL and other partners on implementation and promotion of the new law.
Please consider DONATING NOW to support USBC in this important work!
Many of USBC's critical programs, and especially our policy and advocacy activities, are funded solely by donations from the Friends of USBC. Your contribution can really have an impact at this critical time to strengthen our efforts to ensure"breastfeeding works" for working moms. Please consider becoming a Friend of USBC by making a donation today!
We look forward to our continued work together and thank you in advance for your support. Together we are making a difference for working families!
Robin W. Stanton, MA, RD, LD
United States Breastfeeding Committee
2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202/367-1132
Fax: 202/367-2132
E-mail: office@usbreastfeeding.org
Web: www.usbreastfeeding.org
The United States Breastfeeding Committee (USBC) is an independent nonprofit coalition of more than 40 nationally influential professional, educational, and governmental organizations. Representing over a million concerned professionals and the families they serve, USBC and its member organizations share a common mission to improve the Nation's health by working collaboratively to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding. For more information about USBC, visit www.usbreastfeeding.org.