I'm going to be a little less active for about a week here, but it's for an important reason that will hopefully serve at least a few of you who regularly visit my blog!
For the past few years I've been training colleagues around the country in some of the practical aspects of using nutrition to help with fertility. The colleagues I've been working with, as we've gained an understanding of how it all fits together, have been reporting some wonderful success stories in clients who had been told they might never have a child of their own.
As we've grown as a network, we've gained the attention of sponsors, and one of those sponsors, Nutrabella, approached me about collaborating with them to contribute to a fertility report that will be appearing in East Coast newspapers this coming Friday--the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and Boston Globe, to name a few. Another sponsor, SGJ Consulting, contributed to the project as well. It's been a great team to work with from start to finish!
That kind of opportunity has the potential to reach quite a few people (2.1 million is what has been projected)! So I've been busy making sure we're ready to handle the traffic and that everyone who's been going through my training is ready to take referrals.
If you know of anyone who is struggling with infertility, please tell them we have several resources:
(1) this blog, of course!
(2) individual consultations. Many of the professionals listed on this page do contribute to this blog.
(3) Fertile Intentions (TM), our new couples infertility spa day experience, in Marina del Rey, California.
This is such a great audience with whom to share the message that there are many options outside of medication for helping with fertility.
I'll be back in about a week, hopefully with some exciting updates, and definitely with more comments on nutrition and mental health. In the meantime, I'm hoping other contributors have some helpful hints and interesting notes!
Have a wonderful rest of August in the meantime!