Whew! I don't know about life where you all are…but here in Phoenix it has been unbearably hot. That beautiful June we had? Turned into a very hot and humid July. And wouldn't you know, the one part I needed to fix the A/C in my car could only be found in Japan and I had to wait a month for it to arrive!
My stay cool strategy has been to stay indoors and work with Marsha and Alan at Green Mountain at Fox Run on the upcoming PCOS weeks they're offering at their resort. I am so excited about this project! For the year and a half that I've been running this blog, I've consistently seen people find us while searching for a PCOS program or spa week. I have wished, every single time I've seen those searches, that there was something to offer.
Well…here it is! I am especially hoping to meet many of you who I've only known through email, this blog, Facebook, and/or Twitter. And there is no better place to do that than in beautiful Vermont in the fall.

Please stop in Green Mountain's information page on their program, and don't be shy about asking questions. Your inquiries give us direction regarding what this program should be about.
Hope you're staying cool, wherever you are…even if you're here with me in Phoenix this week! I feel better already just looking at that beautiful Vermont foliage.