If you're a regular reader of this blog, you've seen contributions by Ivonne Berkowitz-Ward. Ivonne's husband, Patrick, has his own fitness business, and he has started producing podcasts on the topic.
I just listened to one that had soooo much pertinence to this audience. Hang with it all the way through the end. He and his interviewee talk, in a really interesting way, about the personality of the person who struggles with food and weight.
I guess what makes it so different from other pieces I've read or heard on the topic, is that it's not coming from a nutritionist, who can sometimes be too logical and mathematical about the issue, or the psychologist, who is trained to empathize with the issues, but rather from two guys in the fitness field, who are simply on the outside looking in at women (and men) who come to them for help. And who observe that it's not the calorie intake or output so much as the person's way of dealing with life in general that gets in the way of their success. So their language is not so detached or politically correct. Sometimes hearing it told just like it is, is what it takes to finally understand.
If you are a regular reader, you also know how much we promote stress management. So understanding a personality that doesn't manage stress, if that is you…and learning how to take the intensity out of your food and exercise, may be the very thing you need to focus on in order to get on the right track with your PCOS.
Thanks, Patrick, for putting together this great podcast!