Yesterday I shared some great news from an Italian research group about myoinositol for improving fertility. In the process of corresponding, they sent me a series of articles from their lab. One of their most recent investigated the combination of myoinositol and melatonin in fertility treatment.
Here's how it looks like the story goes.
Ovulation is an inflammatory process Yes, the process of releasing an egg, and giving life, is pro-inflammatory. It takes a lot of energy to do this, and as that energy is metabolized, it's oxidizing tissue around it.
Melatonin is one of the most powerful antioxidants we have You know, if you think about this the way Mother Nature does, it makes sense that we'd want to roll over and sleep all cuddled up after sex. It is her way of protecting that fragile egg from all of the stresses of the day.
The research I read yesterday was about INOFOLIC PLUS, an Italian proprietary blend of inositol, folic acid, and melatonin. Forty-six women who had previously undergone in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and failed, used this supplement daily for 3 months before undergoing another IVF procedure. They also continued to take INOFOLIC throughout the entire IVF cycle. This study, by the way, did NOT focus on women with PCOS, merely women who had failed IVF.
Here are some of the results of the second IVF in which the supplement was used:
--Higher number of embryo transfers
--Higher embryo quality
--Where all of the subjects had failed with their first IVF the first time, 13 (28%) became pregnant during the study, 4 miscarried.
What is remarkable about this study is that the average age of these women was 39 years, an age where fertility is starting to become difficult even without a diagnosis of infertility.
The supplement is not perfect, but it shows promise for helping women for whom other strategies have failed. It seems to be a great combination of compounds for peeling off the layers of inflammatory/oxidative damage have inflicted on reproductive systems…talking your ovaries down out of the tree, so to speak. What it seems to do, is both create a higher quality egg and then protect it from the ravages of oxidation long enough for it to meet a sperm, conceive, and create an embryo.
Ahhhhhh…just love the power we have within ourselves to create healing solutions!
As I mentioned yesterday, unfortunately, INOFOLIC is not available in the United States. However, there is an important bottom line message here that cannot be ignored.
When you're not eating enough antioxidants, not delegating, working too hard, not sleeping well, not managing your stress, the melatonin Mother Nature given you to protect your eggs, may likely be channeled into fighting other damages those lifestyle choices have promoted.
Not trying to shake the eFinger at you here, it's just becoming apparent from listening to so many of your stories that when we don't take good care of ourselves, the effects can stick around for a very long time. And when we do things in an effort to eat well but don't do our homework first (such as eating vegan but not making sure all nutrients are still adequate in the diet or panicking and going on a crash diet in order to get pregnant, or overexercising as the only way to manage stress), they can hurt us in the long run.
If you start to think about your choices as"What can I do to not unnecessarily use my own antioxidant power so it can be there for that egg?"…perhaps making some of those choices you've been reluctant to take on, might become easier to embrace.
Unfer V, Raffone E, Rizzo P, Buffo S. Effect of a supplementation with myo-inositol plus melatonin on oocyte quality in women who failed to conceive in previous in vitro fertilization cycles for poor oocyte
quality: a prospective, longitudinal, cohort study. Gynecol Endocrinol. 2011 Apr 5. [Epub ahead of print]